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EXL 594: Global Learning Study Abroad Seminars 

As a passionate advocate of faculty-led study abroad learning, I have co-led more than eleven such

interdisciplinary study abroad seminars with Allegheny College colleagues from various departments (Psychology, Geology, Art, Chemistry, Theater, and Neurobiology).


The seminars to different regions in India, East and South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Japan have sought to introduce students to non-western perspectives and experiences of neoliberal globalization. The three-week summer EL study abroad seminars have addressed topics such as:

  • the exploration of race relations and the experiment with peace and reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa,

  • environmental sustainability challenges in Kenya and corporate interventions,

  • the re-definition of democracy and secularism in postcolonial India, following the rise of neoliberal Hindutva (Hindu fundamentalist neo-nationalism),

  • the recovery of Sri Lanka from decades of civil insurgency,

  • the study of water ecology and eco-tourism in southern India, and

  • the postmodern hybridity of a reluctantly globalizing Japan.  








Most recently, during summer of 2019, with my colleagues Professor Beth Watkins (Theater), and Linda Ernst (Library Services), a team of twenty Allegheny College students traveled across north-west India, exploring the “Restaging [of] History as Media Event.” Here's a writeup on that EL seminar from Athena magazine.

My next Global Learning adventure involves leading a group from outside of the college on an exploration of India.

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At Allegheny College, the summer EXL 594 experiential Global Learning (GL) travel seminars (for 2-4 academic credits) typically include travel in the U.S. or abroad, and incorporate a range of on-site explorations, intercultural activities, and lectures/workshops by local experts, that complement or illustrate the seminar topic. The seminars encourage students to integrate their intercultural and experiential learning with theory and research from their fields.

Students are exposed to diverse ideas, peoples, cultures, perspectives, and ways of life. The EXL 594

      courses are designed and team-taught by Allegheny faculty and/or staff educators.

Individual GL Seminars are reviewed and approved by the college's Curriculum Committee. For summer GL seminars, there is intensive academic preparation on the seminar topic during the Spring semester prior to travel. Graded assignments include travel journals, reflective blogs and papers, supervised research or community projects in the host culture, and re-entry presentations to public audiences.

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The 2018 Summer study abroad seminar to Japan (video above) co-led by former Associate Prof. Darren Miller (Art) and myself, introduced students to how centuries-old traditions have shaped the consciousness of contemporary Japan.


The group spent a week at Keio University in Tokyo taking intensive Japanese language classes. We then traveled across Nagoya,Kyoto, Okayama, Hiroshima, Shin-Osaka, and Shinagawa by bullet train. We visited traditional gardens, shrines, and palaces, and explored different types of museums -- even watching robots play music at the Toyota Museum. In Nagoya, the famous doll-populated village, we saw how feminine entrepreneurship (making life-sized dolls) has produced economic and social empowerment for the woman behind these creations. The art island of Naoshima was a lesson in how small towns can collaborate with industry houses to re-create themselves creatively and profitably.


We learned how to make our own fake food (shokuhin sampuru), and discovered the importance of mascots in all aspects of Japanese life. From animal-cafes to open-air markets; from tea ceremonies and coffee houses to conveyor-belt sushi, fantastically fluffy egg sandwiches at Lawson's and the best desserts ever, Japan proved to be a gastronomic delight. Students were quick to spot links between the symbols in the historical kimonos on display in museums, and myths informing anime and video game narratives, and all this came together when we stepped into the modern marvel of Studio Ghibli, a storytelling wonderland, producing media fantasies that enthrall contemporary generations.

However, the highlight was meeting the 103-year old survivor of the Hiroshima bombings, who you see towards the end of the video above. She insisted on meeting each member of the group individually, saying our names aloud and blessing us. After a day spent re-visiting the horrors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, that encounter taught us more about peace and reconciliation than any exhibit, and it left us humbled.

As Americans, though, we were also moved by the respect that the Japanese felt towards President Obama for visiting Hiroshima and apologizing for the nuclear holocausts there. His gesture of reconciliation -- an origami peace crane -- can be found in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.


I have worked closely with students, guiding them through the application process for the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships awarded by the U.S. State Department to help low-income students study abroad. Here are four of my success stories:

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Glimpses into previous Global Learning study abroad seminars I have co-led with other Allegheny College faculty:

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